Product details
CANDELA Nordlys IPL SWT(Selective Waveband Technology) IPL, Frax 1550™, Frax 1940™, and Nd:YAG 1064 nm.
CANDELA Nordlys IPL is configured with pre-set aesthetic and dermatologic treatments that have been developed and designed for over 20 years to meet your needs.
The Nordlys system offers high ROI fractional non-ablative resurfacing capabilities for significant practice savings and it is quickly becoming a go-to platform for new and existing aesthetic practices.
The Nordlys system quartet of technologies includes:
Unique IPL with narrowband technology defined by dual filters and sub-millisecond pulses for exceptional skin rejuvenation* and vascular treatments, as well as hair removal.
Frax 1550
Non-ablative fractional treatment for skin resurfacing with SoftCool™ for comfort during treatment.
Frax 1940
For shallow resurfacing, reaching the epidermis and superficial dermis (up to 200 μm) with SoftCool for comfort during treatment.
Nd:YAG 1064 nm
Designed to treat vascular lesions, including leg veins and port wine stains. Integrated SoftCool allows greater comfort during and after treatment.
Frax 1550
Skin resurfacing
Coagulation of soft tissue
Frax 1940
Skin resurfacing
Coagulation of soft tissue
Benign pigmented lesions (including but not limited to lentigines (age spots), solar lentigines (sunspots), and ephelides (freckles) for Fitzpatrick Skin Types I-IV
Nd:YAG 1064
Leg vessels (0.1-3 mm in diameter)
Benign vascular lesions
Port wine stains
Venous lakes
Epidermal pigmented lesions
Clear nail (Onychomycosis)
Benign cutaneous lesions, such as warts
PL 400
Benign epidermal pigmented lesions (e.g., solar lentigines)
PR 530 / PRS 530 / VL 555 / VLS 555
Port wine stains
Benign pigmented lesions
Benign vascular lesions (e.g., Diffuse Redness)
Poikiloderma of Civatte
Inflammatory acne vulgaris (PR 530)
HR 600 / HRL 600/ HDR 645
Permanent hair reduction
Frax 1550
Non-ablative skin resurfacing
Acne scars
Surgical scars
Striae (Stretch marks)
Frax 1940
Skin resurfacing via coagulation of soft tissue
Actinic keratosis
Nd:YAG 1064
Facial telangiectasias
Leg vessels
Venous lakes
Port wine stains
Benign cutaneous warts
Onychomycosis (Clear nail)
PL 400
Epidermal pigmented lesions
PR 530 / PRS 530 / VL 555 / VLS 555
Photorejuvenation (Diffuse redness and pigment)
Poikiloderma of civatte
Vascular lesions (Telangiectasias – Face)
Port wine stains
PR 530 / PRS 530
Skin texture
Inflammatory acne vulgaris
PDT acne vulgaris
PDT photorejuvenation
HR 600 / HRL 600/ HDR 645
Hair removal
All accessories are complete and working